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Daily Motivator-Promote your wish to a dream
How do you know if your dream is big enough? If you\'re working steadily and enthusiastically in the direction of that dream every day, it\'s big enough. 

But what if your dream is not compelling enough to constantly motivate you forward no matter what? Then it\'s really more of a wish, and not much use to you at all. 

If that\'s the case, consider making it bigger and more meaningful. Promote it from a wish to a true, life-changing dream. 

When the obstacles and challenges are great, make sure your dream is even greater. In those situations when you must push forward, it is essential to have something truly meaningful to push toward. 

If you live just to get through the day, you\'ll end up doing it over and over again with nothing much to show for your efforts. Choose instead to dream big dreams, and get real fulfillment from your time and effort. 

You can wish for what might be nice, and you\'ll probably be disappointed. Instead, reach deep inside, truly dream of how good you know life can be, and make that dream so big you absolutely must bring it to life. 

-- Ralph Marston 

Read more: http://greatday.com/#ixzz15QogTjQ1 

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